Social media automation

 Maybe you don't know what is social media automation tools, which means You can use tools to automate account management,

such as follow, unfollow, follow back, like, unlike, pin, repin, post,    comment, share, add friends, view/comment video, send messages, ask and answer questions, etc. 

FollowingLike is the best social media automation tool, which supports Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, Quora, and Linkedin, etc.

Instead of selling any views, likes, followers, the FollowingLikeIII is an organic tool to grow the followers and engagement of the social media accounts and attract real, relevant, and engaged people to your profile.

Smart Program

We have designed FollowingLike to be a very smart program. Every basic function(follow, unfollow, comment, like, search and get content etc.) has been designed and divided into basic module, you can combine, mix and sort these modules to generate any task you want. Every output of one module can be used as input parameters of another module.

This gives you the smartest way to customize your tasks.

Account Manager

The Account Manager makes it easy to save your accounts by category or campaign, you can see all the important details of the accounts in one table - very clear! When you select accounts to manage a task, you can select either one category or all category accounts to manage the task, this will help you to manage your campaign accounts very well. The main functions in the account manager form are: add account category, add account, import accounts, export accounts, delete accounts, check the details of selected accounts!


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